No âmbito do ciclo "No laboratório à conversa com...", uma iniciativa organizada pelo Laboratório de Fala da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), amanhã à tarde (14h30) realiza-se uma conversa dedicada ao tema "Challenged by writing: Text generation in children with specific language impairment" com Vincent Connelly (Oxford Brookes University). No texto de apresentação podemos ler:
«Literacy development includes both learning to read and learning to write. Considerable advances have been made in understanding the cognitive processes underlying reading development, and this has led to effective interventions. In contrast, our understanding of the cognitive processes underpinning writing development is less advanced and many children struggle with the production of written text. This contrast in research effort is particularly marked for children with language difficulties who struggle with writing at school. This talk explores the barriers that language learning difficulties in children pose for written development through a study of both the product and online process writing. This can help us identify a profile of language, literacy and cognitive abilities that can provide the basis for educational intervention for these populations of children.»