Amanhã realiza-se na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP) um workshop dedicado ao tema "Introduction to Biolinguistics", orientado por Cédric Boeckx, professor da Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) e investigador do Instituto Catalão de Pesquisa e Estudos Avançados (ICREA), autor de Language in cognition (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) e co-editor da revista Biolinguistics. Natureza biológica da faculdade de linguagem humana, raízes, problemas e controvérsias no campo da biolinguística são algumas das questões em análise. A presente iniciativa é organizada por João Veloso no quadro das actividades do Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto (CLUP).
«In this two-part seminar I will examine the nature and roots of "biolinguistics" (by which I mean the interdisciplinary attempt to uncover the biological nature of the human language faculty). I will also devote a fair amount of time to outlining current research opportunities and what I think needs to take place to forge head.
By the end of the seminar I hope that students will be familiar with the central questions of the field, some of the major controversies surrounding it, and some sense of what the field may have to offer in the future.
The talks will not exclusively be addressed to students of linguistics, and will be of interest to a broad range of disciplines, all of which can be characterized as the "life (...)
Technical expertise in linguistics is absolutely not required to be able to follow the lectures. Familiarity with the history of modern cognitive science would be a plus.»